It is the backbone of the company, responsible for constantly upgrade the technology and processes.

Our Value is customer-focused for full satisfaction; therefore we strategize ourselves with Indocol's Vision and Mission to servicing for best value to our worldwide customers and us in long term "Win-Win" partnership.

Our R&D activities are undertaken by 2 R&D units comprising an application research laboratory in our Company, quality control and product improvement laboratories.

The application research laboratory in our Company comprises researchers under the MD. Our application research team works closely with our marketing and sales team to develop new applications and solutions for our customers. Our marketing and sales team’s secondary role involves providing technical expertise to our customers and our subsidiaries.

The management of ICL has strict and effective control over every stage of production & blending and ensures that the finished product conforms to the quality standard committed to the customers.

The management of ICL has strict and effective control over every stage of production & blending and ensures that the finished product conforms to the quality standard committed to the customers.

One can always look at ICL as dependable producer of quality Dyes and Dye Intermediates.

Our laboratories are responsible for the development of customized products based on customers’ specifications. In addition, they are also responsible for conducting batch tests on our products to ensure consistencies in product quality and performances. Consistent quality at the right time forms the crux of our production policy. Our products have found international acceptance because of the consistency in quality.